See yesterday’s Tip! With the exception of suspended chords and major or minor 6 chords, all other non-extended chords consist of a root (1), 3rd, 5th, and 7th. Consider the following table: [ Root=1; M=Major; m=Minor; b=lower ½ step; #=raise ½ step; 7= 7th lowered ½ step]
Root M3 5 M7 Major 7 (Chord)
Root M3 5 7 7 (or dominant 7 Chord)
Root m3 5 M7 minor Major 7
Root m3 5 7 minor 7
Root M3 #5 M7 augmented Major 7
Root M3 #5 7 augmented 7
Root m3 b5 7 minor 7 flat 5 or better- half diminished
Root m3 b5 bb7 fully diminished 7