Prof. Robert S. Bryant
Professional Email:
Home: 859.273.2418
Mobile (text only): 859.489.0527


All entries, descriptions, and requirements presented in this syllabus occur adjunct to the Student Handbook. Student’s rights, responsibilities, and obligations as described in the Handbook remain unaltered by the following terms. All issues not discussed in the Syllabus default to the Handbook as well.

Attendance:    Student’s attendance in this course is the primary contributing factor reflecting the student’s final grade. In most cases (but not all) perfect attendance insures a passing grade. In rare cases students with perfect attendance receive a grade less than ‘A’. Excused absences can be ‘made up’ at the professor’s discretion. Each student is allowed ONE unexcused absence with no direct penalty. Two unexcused absences carry a penalty of ½ letter grade. Each unexcused absence thereafter carries a penalty of ONE FULL LETTER GRADE! Don’t miss class!

Agenda/ preparation: Private instruction in music is among the most unique learning opportunities offered at this institution. The faculty is well aware of the fact that teaching outside the typical classroom situation affords an intimate appreciation of each individual student’s strengths’ and weaknesses‘. As the nature of this course is highly subjective, the syllabus does not include a calendar whereas assignments must be completed at predetermined dates. Material is presented in each students best interest in terms of accentuating strengths. For the purpose of expediting ’goals’, all students are expected to practice a minimum of one hour per day, increasing one hour/ two semesters; that is, 4th year students are expected to practice four hours per day. 

Agenda/ media:  All students are responsible for all information posted on the professor’s website-   All study material will be provided by the instructor at no cost.  Each student is required to possess a device capable of supporting iReal Pro (app). In addition, the device (or dedicated device) must provide a digital tuner, metronome, recording capability, and rhythmic simulator (drum machine). Note taking format is at the discretion of each student; however, all material presented throughout the duration of the course must be in hand for every class.

Criteria: All university level instructors have an obligation to their students to maintain and utilize every available advancement provided by digital media. For this reason and those mentioned above, a chronological calendar is simply not appropriate for this course. Though the direction of study is subject change at any point, the foundation remains unchanged. Criteria as follows:

  • Major works in area of study
  • Major contributors in area of study
  • Applied music theory
  • Harmonic vocabulary
  • Advanced scale study
  • Understanding of chord/scale combinations
  • Standard study works (Etudes etc)
  • Non Standard works (adaptations from other composers)
  • Rhythmic study (beginning/advanced)
  • Professional study (music business)
  • Open forum (students are welcome to open a dialogue on any music related topic at any time)
  • Historical implications to each area of study 
  • Audition prep

Bi-Weekly assignments: Students are responsible for maintaining ledger of assignments described by the instructor, and possess in hand at every class. Clearly, assignments must be complete prior to the following class. 

Bi-Weekly research:  All students are required to complete and present the results of a brief media search as to a profound discovery of material new to the student yet pertaining to current class discussion. Results may be presented in class or delivered to the instructor via email.

Class Meeting: The instructor and student will agree upon a meeting time and duration. All classes will take place in the instructor’s office. Typically, private lessons take place every other week for one hour. IMPORTANT-- For this course, ONE Class period is considered as a ONE HOUR session. In terms of an unexcused absence, one absence is the equivalent to two 30 minute lessons! Also, upon completion of the course, see the Handbook for further requirements in terms of Juries etc. 

Contact: Please feel free to contact the instructor at any time. DO NOT use the Institution email account. Also, DO NOT place a call to the cell number. Text is best. Students are welcome to call the home number as well. Note: contacting through the website or Gmail will result in a delay.